UP 34574 'Berwick' bathtub coal gondola


  • Sketchup is used to design the gondola body and it has been 3D printed by Shapeways in 'Frosted Ultra Detail' (FUD)material.
  • MTL or Bowswer Bucklers/Full Throttle roller bearing trucks with coupler
  • Detail parts are designed by me and professionally etched by PPD Ltd in Scotland
  • Black decals are self designed (using Open office draw) and home printed
  • White decals are self designed (using Open office draw) and printed by Decal winkel print shop in the Netherlands)
  • Paint UP34574: Revell aqua Lufthansa Yellow 36 310 and black Tamiya X-18.
  • Light wethering is done with Vallejo pigments.

    Click on the picture to follow the link to my Google pictures album and see how it is done.