D&RGW 72xxx dropbottom gondola.
- I have used Sketchup to design the gondola body and it has been 3D printed by Shapeways in 'frosted extreme detail' and of 'frosted ultra detail' material.
The gon body rests on a brass chassis beam with MTL#903 couplers
- D&RGW 72101 - 72103 has etched ladders and brake wheel. (still modified from a fret for Thrall gondolas)
- MTL Andrews trucks without coupler.
- White decals are self designed and printed by Decal winkel print shop in the Netherlands).
- Paint: Tamiya X-18 black, Micro gloss and Micro flat to seal the decals and weathering.
- Weathering is done with pulverized artist chalks.
Click on the picture to follow the link to my Google pictures album, and see how it is done.