D&RGW caboose 01408
The caboose chassis and part of the body is done. Trucks are just installed for a test run. The entire body is build out of Evergreen styrene sheet and strips.
D&RGW caboose 01408
D&RGW caboose 01408
Just a couple of drops of Humbrol red 174 are added to Humbrol yellow 154, to get the D&RGW yellow. The caboose is completely hand painted.
D&RGW caboose 01408
The silver color is Revell 91. Since I just have a black and white laser printer, I have printed my decals in black, on transparent decal paper. The blue and white in the D&RGW logo are hand painted. 01408 are transparent numbers over a patch of white.
D&RGW caboose 01408
D&RGW caboose 01408
Hand rails and ladders are made out of 0.25 mm copper wire.
D&RGW caboose 01408
The stacks are made out of brass wire and the roof walk is cut from a thee bag (before it was used).
The end result, compaired to 5 Euro cents and 5 Dollar cents pieces.
D&RGW caboose 01408
Finally the air tank is installed and the caboose is ready to use.