Scratchbuild UP 25198 CA4 caboose.
Micro scale 60-35 'UP Freight Diesels w/Turbine, Straight Wings Grey & Yellow' for the UP and road number.
Microscale 60-70-5 70105 RR Gothic Letters & Numbers - Red for the small letters 'CA4'.
Microscale Kristal Klear for the window glazing.
Walk ways made out of a Lipton tea bag.
Grab irons and ladder steps are made of 0.25 mm phosphor bronse wire.
Ladder railing is flat sanded 0.5 mm brass wire.
Caboose body is made out of Evergreen styrene.
Trucks are modified MTL 004 02 040 904 Z black - Passenger Car Trucks (w/o Coupler).
Couplers MTL (905)Z-Nn3 Magne-Matic.
Paint Revell red 36, yellow 15 silver 91 and Humbrolblack 33.
Sealed the caboose body with Microscale flat.
Brass stack.
Two spare brake wheels from ED two-bay hopper kits.
Home made green and red lenses for the copula light (not working).
Home made UP slogan.
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